Friday, January 27, 2006

Bermuda : an unsolved mystery

"The "Bermuda Triangle," or "Devil’s Triangle," is a mythical geographic area located off the southeastern coast of the United States that is noted for an apparent high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats and aircraft. The apexes of the Triangle are generally accepted to be Bermuda, Miami, and San Juan, Puerto Rico."

many strange disppearances had occured in this triangle,
but the reason for this strange things is unknown.
It is also called as "Devil's sea"

"Many people have reported seeing portals opening in cloudy skies - strange swirling lights sometimes accompanied by sounds - temporal distortions - electromagnetic distortions called 'electronic fog' that can cause a time storm, and the disappearance of planes and ships. There is something about this fog that is important and gives one the sense of all things paranormal. Something unexplained is definitely happening in that region of the Atlantic. This goes back to ancient explorers such as Christopher Columbus and his crew who experienced the phenomenon."

i got this passage frm

though this one seems to be looking like a fake , it cant be explained
their experience is as follows

"Christopher Columbus wrote in his diary about this sea. In fact, it so fooled his crew that it almost led them to mutiny. There exists the possibility exists of never leaving this legendary sea, he wrote. Another fascinating feature he noted is its ability to draw things in from all over the Atlantic. Some even claim it to be the "catch-basin" of the Atlantic.

Columbus' crew was greatly disappointed when seaweed and land birds were sighted, but after a few days no land was to be seen. Soon after, Columbus wrote, My compass acts strangely. I will not report this to my crew because of their deep superstitions about the area. Days later, Columbus saw a large meteor fall from the sky. He wrote, A large ball of light has fallen from the sky. It is unsure whether he mentions this occurrence in awe, because of its great size, or in fright. Later on their journey, in that area, Columbus and several of his crew members sighted unexplained dancing lights on the horizon. They wandered around for over a week before finally sighting land."

some kind of magenetic disturbances have occured at the time of their travel, they wouldnot have the technology to explain these phenomena.

A flight named Flight 19 has been lost forever and there is no trace for its disappearance.

researches are going on for this matter
lets wait.


Unknown said...

I have heard about this bermuda triangle a lot. I have also heard many mysterious things. It's a good post man.

Marc said...

Bermuda Triangle is actually Ragha's secret base. He captures anything that comes there and sells it to get cash and upgrade his computer.