Saturday, January 28, 2006

Amityville: Horror or an Makeup story

This is the warrens

hi dudes,

i have come up with a world known mystery which has induced many people wonder "Ghosts are real!",ya dude,its rite,its the famous "Amityville horror"
Amityville is a small town in New york, it is famous for its so called haunted house
The begining of the story is "In 1974. The Ronald Sr. and Louise defeos lived in a house with their two young sons, Mark and John, and two daughters, Dawn and Allison, were sleeping peacefully in their comfortable in a three story Dutch colonial.The silence of the house was shattered when Ronald DeFeo murdered his parents and his family members with a high-powered rifle. One by one, he killed each of them as they slept, although strangely, the sound of the gunshots never awakened the other family members."
This is the starting of the great horror .
In his trail, Ronald DeFeo blamed that he was under an influence of an evil spirit while this accident took place, But the magistrate was not a fool to beleive this lame story and he sentenced him with a 150 years in prison.

And the next part is a bit interesting one,on December 18, 1975, George and Kathy Lutz.a young couple bought the house on Ocean Avenue for $80,000. Just a week before Christmas, they moved there with Kathy’s three children from a previous marriage.

The point is they began to experience unearthly presence, ghostly appearance, masked men moving around,and some of the poltergeist phenomena.
they called for exorcism but they say that they heard a unearthly voice which said the priest to go out,so the exorcism was a premature one.
George was also possesed by the evil spirit.

In February 1976,They left the house,they only spend 28 days in that house
they didnt even return to get back their possesions.
Ed and Lorraine Warren, two of America’ most famous “demonologists” was called for,They confirmly said that there is a evil presence in this house,and they backuped the story.

Kaplan had discovered that the “Amityville Horror” was pure invention.kaplan was also a famous paranormal investigator, he didnt seen to find anything abnormal.

And then a new family,Jim and Barbara Cromarty entered the house and they also maintained the story.

Kaplan had a great proof that it is a fake and he wrote a journal which was not published until his death, He died soon.

At that time, those Lutz family earned lots of profit cause of this haunted stuff and this place became a tourist spot.

The proof kaplan had was Defeo is made to lie in the court that he was possessed by some evil spirit by his lawyer to reduce the size of the case, and defeo was sent to mental checkup and he was absolutely alrite.

this is just a drama made by these people to get the attention and make some money with less effort.the movies brought large amount of money to Lutz.

The only coincidence which is tragical is

- Paul Hoffman, the writer who penned the original story for newspapers and for “Good Housekeeping” magazine, died a few years after the story broke under mysterious circumstances.

- Jay Anson, author of the best-selling book, made a fortune from the story but died shortly after he received his first million dollar advance for his next book. That book, an occult novel entitled “666“, was a failure.

- Demonologist Ed Warren, suffered a heart attack a few years after his initial investigations of Amityville. He maintained the illness was caused by the house.

- David Cromarty, the son of the house’s new owners, died an early, tragic death. He used the bedroom that had once belonged to Ronald DeFeo for several years.

- Dr. Stephen Kaplan, who took on the hoaxers, almost died from a major heart attack in 1976 and then passed away several years later. His death was untimely and cut short a distinguished career. He would not live to see his book on the case published.

Death is so common, i think it has nothing to do with this great "amityville HOOROOr!!!!!!!"

I think its a amityville comedy, how can people make up these kind of stuffs
Thanks for this horror story Mr.Lutz

I had some info taken from prairieghosts . thanks to them.


Unknown said...

According to me its just a story. There is no such thing called as ghost.

Sundar said...

Hi there I have read about the Amytiville Mystery. However, there are many different versions about the ghosts and most of them have a lot of factual errors, thereby making them all false most probably. The murders maybe true, but not the ghosts.