Sunday, May 12, 2013

my post after a long long time

I do blog!!!

Of-course when the moon turns corporate blue or when project manager believes the powerpoint deck can be managed by himself. But today i decided to do something extraordinary...

"Write a few words" in my age old blog

Yeah fellows, you read it right. I am back!!!

P.S: Just not like the way i typed three months back. This time its for real... i guess :P

To harden my resolve, i thought i should make a serious point by registering my blog with
(Also for the free books!!! Am so excited about it)

Registration was a cake wake but the problem came when this happened

 It was well and good. I got to place the anchored image in my blog. It was just a routine but i forgot how long it was for me to explore the XML data. I was baffled by the level of data i was confronted with. It took nearly 30 minutes to finally place the link. I would like to share that information here so that someone else won't suffer the same fate.


Dashboard ->Layout -> Add Gadget -> Basics ->Text ->  "paste" -> Save

For people who don't understand the simple directions given above, please go through the link posted above and have a prosperous blogging days ahead.


Anusha said...

Vijay, ur passion for writing echoes thru all the posts. I haven't got around to reading everythin but I have seen enuf to know that :).. And am learning lots too, from ur posts. Thanx!!

vijay said...

Am humbled anusha :)
You are as good as I am, even more. I like the freshness and light in your poems. Its a gift to be able to convert what you think into words that rhyme. For some like me, I write poems only in a flow. Btw thanks :)
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